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The Spring Together Foundation

At Spring Fertility, we’re proud to give back to our community and advance reproductive health initiatives both domestically and abroad

Spring Together IVF Grant Program

Approximately 1 in 6 couples are affected by infertility worldwide.
For many individuals and couples experiencing fertility challenges, cost is the greatest barrier to receiving treatment. We believe everyone who wants a family should have one, no matter their financial situation, and we are proud to introduce an IVF grant to support more families in achieving their dreams.
The Spring Together Fertility Grant, established in 2023, will make it possible for individuals who require financial assistance to receive fertility treatments at Spring Fertility – medication and genetic testing included! Applicants will be asked to complete a confidential application and a committee will award four IVF grants: three in the Bay Area and one in NYC, inclusive of all testing, treatment, and up to three frozen embryo transfers.
Grants will be paid from the Spring Together Fund, a 501(c)(3), established to help advance maternal and reproductive health domestically and abroad. For every successful pregnancy achieved at Spring, we are proud to donate to the Spring Together Fund. Additionally, we are opening contribution opportunities to our patients and community with the commitment to match donations with pro bono services, dollar for dollar. If you are interested in helping a family achieve their dreams, please email us.



Eligibility Parameters

To be eligible to apply for the grant, couples or individuals must meet the following guidelines:



Female patient must be ≤ 40 years old

Individual/Couple must have an annual household income at or below $118,320 (600% federal poverty level)

For residents of the San Francisco Bay Area (including Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, San Francisco, or Marin County), New York, or Portland. 




The 2025 grant cycle opens on March 21, 2025, and we will be accepting applications through April 15, 2025. Recipients will be selected by our committee in May 2025.



Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation

We are also proud to support Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation in East Africa, a program founded by Spring’s own Dr. Peter Klatsky dedicated to helping pregnant women receive skilled obstetric care, thereby improving pregnancy outcomes for both moms and babies. This program is managed by Brick by Brick and under their leadership, 10,000 women in labor will have access to lifesaving transportation.

75% of maternal and perinatal deaths in Uganda are due to three delays.


75% of maternal and perinatal deaths are due to three delays.


Delay In Care Seeking

Mothers often delay going to the health center for labor, remaining at home longer than it is safe to do so. With Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation, each mother who completes four antenatal care visits receives an electronic voucher which grants her free transport by boda boda (motorcycle taxi) to the health center when labor begins. This part of the program both encourages women to complete four antenatal care visits, as well as to deliver in a health center with a skilled midwife.

Delay In Accessible Care

Even when mothers deliver at the health center with a skilled midwife, complications can arise. Depending on the availability and working order of local ambulances, it can take hours for a woman in need of urgent medical care to reach the hospital. She is also responsible for paying for the transport. Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation ensures that the most efficient transport – either special hire taxi or ambulance, is alerted as quickly as possible, and that the ride is free.

Delay In Recieving Quality Services

Due to small and often overworked staff at local hospitals, women often arrive at a facilities where surgeons are not available or prepared to care for them. Babies and Mothers Alive Foundation prompts the midwife at the health center to enter important clinical information into her mobile phone, which is then transmitted to the referral hospital, so that the staff can be prepared for the mother when she arrives.

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